
Saturday, November 03, 2007

Wondering/Wandering conscious!

As I sat watching “Blow” a movie about drugs and coke, I found myself wondering – “Does coke really have so much power? Wonder how it tastes” and then I was horrified by the way my thoughts went…. Is this how people are tempted, does wondering often lead to trails and then addiction?

I think not, it must definitely take more than just thought to just step forward and go ahead and do something which you have been told not to!!

How many times have we gone against our parents, done things forbidden and enjoyed every moment of it? I can count a few and to tell ya the truth I regret none. Well, perhaps the reason for such exists to the fact that my conscious talks to me all the time. It tells me “hey Aparna this is not right” and I try to listen to it (most of the times anyway), perhaps that’s what saved me from a thing like regret!

Well, conscious or not, the “forbidden” thoughts sometimes do sneak in .. and I find myself wondering……………. Yet again!


Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

i am not sure if i relate addictions to morals.......maybe strength of will..but morals ..i guess, no!!! but then like u, i too follow my conscience and so have never sat back and analyzed it i'm tempted to :D

and thesis milestone i'll sit back and relax and will wait for a job to happen ..that i have an employed husband helps the matters :DD

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

i do not think i told ya this..but i like the new look of your being my fav. hue adds to it!!! :)

Deepak Gopi said...

I regret some

The last adam said...

I agree with Moi here...It has to be the strength of will! I never listen to my conscience but do as I wish..and never regret cos I am responsible for my actions, rt?

Anyways, I am glad that you've come bk to blog...was wondering where this girl went away.
Noticed the posts just today.
Welcome back!!! :)