
Saturday, October 22, 2005

Born into brothels: Children of sex workers

Here I am back again to blogging and this time with vengeance. I have always prided myself for starting things and ending it right too. I have always stuck on to what I have started. And after a long time I realized with a startle that I was slipping. Yeah! Slipping into “I have much better things to do in life than this” mode. So I finally decided to shake this slumber off and get back into sharing about stuff I believe in and things I want to do something about.
Speaking of which I saw this amazing movie “Born in brothels” . This was a movie about the kids born to brothel house and their struggle with normality. While I watched it I sat back and wondered how lucky we all have been. I have never known a struggle to lead a normal life; people have never condemned me for what I was born into. Oh! I love whining about my circumstances once in a while (which human doesn’t?) but well, frankly I have never had a day when I have sat and wondered “Oh! I have no future at all”.
One thing which struck me outright was about the movie was the struggle to find a boarding school which would take these children in. Gosh! Calcutta where so many NGOs find home could not furnish these children with a place to stay and study in then I can just begin to imagine the state of other states in India. I am not condemning the work of these NGOs … rather I say Bravo for various things they have done and I know there must be a huge effort to make world more livable for all the underprivileged. We have so many NGOs working towards various issues. Do we have any at all dedicated to providing better opportunities to the children of sex workers?
Well, I decided to find out. I googled, I send a mail to quite a few NGOs (Sabera (the only foundation that took the children in the documentary) Asha foundation, AID India etc etc) and I am waiting for replies. Meanwhile, I know I want to help and I know I want to be specific in my help. I want to help these children who for no fault of there’s, due to a twist of fate are born into an environment which they want to escape but cannot. Can’t these children also be given a chance at better future? We who call ourselves educated, whom god has been generous enough to give no troubles of that type…can we do something for these souls? I hope I can, right now I may be sounding idealistic to a few and foolish to some others but I really do want to help them.
When I was a small child I was taught “That children are the future of this country”. Then isn’t the plight of these children also something which reflects what the future of India will be? There must be something which we can do sitting here far away from home. It may be monetary but it may be some kinda help anywaz . I am hoping some of you reading this may be able to help me find an NGO or an organization … mabbe a boarding school kind of thing which is dedicated towards the betterment of these children who know not where to turn. Please help me find a way to help them, tell me if any of you are involved with something which can help them.

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