
Sunday, September 18, 2005 it serious writing?

One of my closest friends chooses to call my blog "A relationship blog" and of course takes a great pleasure in pointing out the "grammatical" mistakes in them. Well, according to him blog is serious piece of writing which needs more thought process and lot more serious churning out of thoughts. And I would hate to say anything against his opinions (well, u see friends argue but in the end don’t disagree in public n’ he is one of my closest buddies) but I just can’t seem reach a common census with him on this. I have to admit I did get started on this “blogging” idea by reading his blogs but seems like I have an entirely different view about writing than him. I would rather write about stuff which I believe in and which I feel like talking about, things close to my heart than write about say “President Bush promising to rebuild New Orleans” or “Federer winning the US opens” etc. I know a lot of you may disagree on this point of mine but hey I think the newspapers are doing a good enough job of conveying the news to us. I think I would rather read a blog which says why he/she thinks (or doesn’t think) that Bush is a racist and why he/she thinks Federer plays like he does. The bottom line is giving your opinion about things that matter to you or that occupies your thoughts at the moment. After all isn’t a blog defined as “AN ONLINE JOURNAL”? I hence protest at labeling any blog space as “current affairs” or “crappy” or “relationship” blog!! (unless of course the person mentions that it is so) I simply hate to think a about what I wanna write in my blog space. I prefer it being a spontaneous outflow of emotions.. I would rather have my blog be called as “personal” than be called “a relationship” blog ‘coz that’s what it is!! I write my blog for myself not for anyone else. Of course I do appreciate others opinions….it helps me analyze things better and look at things from different perspective. I admit having a big fault in me ..I don’t always agree n’ hear with what others say but hey u know what blogging has made me to think about other’s view too!!!

As far as grammatical errors are concerned....well, I am not a great writer.. heck! I don’t even consider myself a good writer. I just write as I think and mabbe I think of sentences which tons of errors but hey who gives a heck. I would rather write the way I speak (in colloquial terms which I use) than write in “Microsoft word”, conduct a spell check and re-read what I have written to check for errors …. when I do that I feel like I am writing a technical write-up or a report, n’ for me that just takes away the pleasure of writing. It steals the soul of an article or a write up and makes it just another piece of work. I write ‘coz I love writing and not ‘coz I have to write. I may never be labeled a good writer or a grammatically precise one but I will at least always have the satisfaction of having written things which come out as an honest reflection of things which I believe in. And I hope a time will come when I do become a person who can write stuff “readable, enjoyable and believable”. I write blog ‘coz I wanna know if there are other people out there who think like I do and also of those who don’t. I want to broaden my horizon and reach out to see how others think, analyze and write. In doing so I hope to become a better …… well everything (who knows in the process I may even improve my grammatical skills).

On contrary to what this article suggests I am open to criticism, I will agree when I am wrong. But in this case I don't think being perfect and precise is important! I think what is more important is ability to put thoughts in a manner which says to the reader what it was actually was meant to!!So herez an open question to all…. Do u think a blog has to be precise and accurate or do u think like I do? ??? I would love to hear your say on this... with or without grammatical errors :).


Anonymous said...

Well the blog is started by you and as you explained an online journal can have anything on it - since it's not mentioned what kind of a journal it is.
Also, mabbe (See i learn bad spelling from BLOGS) the person who is your close buddy might be feeling that you are having a better blog and your claims to be a BAD writer is infact applied in negative logic(NOT gates!) and the sub-conscious or even the conscious mind of him (u have clearly mentioned about the gender) might not be accepting the plethora of profound words and consider it rather not a serendipity but more of a deleberation. Hence, it makes sense when someone points out your mistakes. Criticism can be constructive and destructive as the behavioral scientist have marked them. Not that i mean your friend's is in any one of them nor an attempt to create a rift, but just a blog-thought. You have bestowed the rights of the blogs by this blog of yours.
This could be an unaware tug-of-war between two egoistic minds (see the word COULD - it's a supposition) trying to dominate or flaunting the skills.

After all, All the world's a stage,And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;.......
Digressing, A good actor takes away the applause, it's all about how he/she performs - this aspect of performance is important and relevant in this context too...

i wish i could put three DOTS.
'therefore' blog != serious writing, nor it means that it cannot have President's Iraq policy. Technically, it's a superset, oh.. yeah it's called a Universal set in set theory.

thanks to all blog readers for the patient perusal ;-)
remember.. it's a BLOG.

Anonymous said...

Hey have you lost steam .... no blogs from you lately !!!

Anonymous said...

hmm..well it seems that this "one of ur closest friend" is really a good friend of yours. Maybe he is not pointing out your mistakes for the sole purpose of criticism or delirium. There is a slight chance, that he believes in attaining the state of perfection and if he or the ones to whom he feels close are not perfect, he tries his best for improvement. Just do one thing, try to refresh your grey-cells (if any) and see whether he does it with you only or with everybody. If latter is the case, then he can be a big critique or he just needs a mental treatment....!!!

-Guess Who ?

Kanishk | कनिष्क said...

Just wondering..who is this friend of are referring to..???

Write his name openly in ur blog...whats the problem ???

Prasoon said...

come on!! to me, a blog is just ur dairy which u decided to make public. it si in their interest to find it good or bad n u shud not be moved by what they think. it could be ur relationship blog - ur breaking up - ur educational blog - ur family blog etc.. hell with what everyone else thinks--its ur blog :)

Anonymous said...

Aparna has lost steam !!!!!!!!!

Kanishk | कनिष्क said...

Please chk my blog and see the first post: war against bloggers. Support the bloggers and freedom of speech.


Kanishk's Realm