
Thursday, November 24, 2005

My thanksgiving resolution

I never knew I could term myself as a “shopoholic” and here I am today, ready to do so. Ahh! Each week I promise myself that I won’t spend on anything frivolous or unnecessary this week… and poof!! Thanks to the advent of the internet shopping all my good intentions fly outta window! Thankfully I still haven’t started spending beyond what I earn and I still manage to clear my credit cards at the end of the month (Phew! Thank god for small mercies and that little bit of brains I still happen to have left).

Well, the weird thing of my “shopoholicsm” is that I get bouts of buying something particular. The results of my last venture into net shopping fills my apartment to the brink……“Books”….. I spend a fortune on it and I still treasure all the books that I have with me. I still feel that thrill rush though me when I read an absolutely new hardbound book. The delight of turning a new page and the smell of a new book still manages to turn me on but one thing which really turns me off is my “credit card” bill at the end of the day! And after finally fighting and winning the urge to buy more and more books (mainly due to my newest discovery to the joys of book borrowing in library), I discovered that I liked having DVDs on my racks as well.

I bought a DVD for a friend for his Bday 4 months back (a Bday which is in Nov… yeah! I think about the presents and buy them ages before the day actually comes) and there was this great deal on these few movies I liked. So I decided to buy them as well. Unfortunately, once u get a good deal u are always on look out for more and when you really look you can get real great deals online. So before my mind could even assimilate my newest “quirk”… I found myself buying DVD and groaning yet again at my CC bills. Hmmm, but I have to admit that being a movie freak it is a pleasure to have these DVDs on my rack and just watch some of those fabulous movies whenever I feel like. Right from “My fair lady” to “Matrix” to “Jumanji” etc etc … each one a classic in itz own way. …. And each one straining my CC in one way.

To get away from it herez my thanksgiving resolution (I wonder if people make thanksgiving resolutions but well there should always be a first time for everything)….so herez my resolution… “I am going to stay away from online shopping” and “I swear not to buy anything outrageous for atleast 5 months” (GROAN! That’s gonna be hard to keep). Now that I have it in writing and out in open for all to see, I hope to refrain my self from straining my bank balance further and scrimping and saving for future! Wish me all the best amigos… adios!


Amaresh said...
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Amaresh said...

i'll keep that in mind
a big ;)