
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Dollops of emotions and a dash of sentiment!

Well… here I am writing again about feelings and thoughts. My blog has often been called by a few friends of mine as the “relationship/sentimental” crap. Each time I hear that I can’t help but smile. I write as I think and being a cancerian, I think a lot deeply and more sentimentally than many people I know. Sometimes it bogs me down and sometimes it boosts me up. Oh yeah! I am yet to learn how to think with my mind. For me feelings, relationships and sentiments will always be at helm (I can literally hear my hubby groaning right now). Life has mostly been kind to me, I of course find ways to ponder over it, but yeah it has been kind (touchwood) and sentiments are rather free flowing. May be now that I am 24 on verge on becoming 25, I should rethink the way I think and put my rusty brain to work for once. Marriage hasn’t changed me, if anything I have become more emotionally charged.

I am defending at the end of June (Yes! Finally will be done with masters) and will be leaving behind the school I have come to have a love-hate relationship forever. However, as I think of leaving.. a kinda sadness engulfs me and I can’t help but feel sad about leaving behind people whom I have come to care for immensely. I will be moving in with my new hubby (high time, distance isn’t doing much good to us) but at the same time I will be in NYC looking for a job. I hope I can get one…logic tells me that everything will be fine, but my heart still beats hard thinking of all the unknown things I may have to face. I am not a very brave person (I like to show on contrary but deep within I battle my fears constantly). I hope I can be good at what I do, and I hope I can be satisfied with what I have. Hmmmmmmm………………..a pretty daunting list by itself, tells me how many miles I have to go before becoming mature enough to handle my life my way!


Anonymous said...

girl, i can imagine how daunting all of it wud look to u at this given moment but i guess the inner strength (even if we never knew it existed) comes to our rescue everytime we need it!
and somehow the "death" post hit so close home, i can't tell u! i ve lived thro one of those moments very recently and was almost shocked when i read ur post now.


Dreamer said...

The death post came out of a pandemonium of jumbled thoughts and I wrote what I was thinking. I am glad that you made it through ur moment too ... it just speaks of how much more life has for you to offer....
hope u get the best in future too :)

Anonymous said...

nice bloggie :D

Hussain said...

I can understand ur fears, coz I had been through it for a long long time. But guess eventually things fall in place. And as you would hit the milestone of 25, you would feel a lot more different in ur own thinking
Good Luck
p.s. I agree suicide requires a lot of courage, but only for a moment, living requires courage for a life time

Anonymous said...

hello aparna :) i noticed your comments on siri's blog so i came by to say hi. hope all is well and that perhaps the siri/mjm visit to ny might take place before we all blow away in the wind...

Dreamer said...

@ Hussain,
I agree about ur thoughts on sucide and living .. I was just sayng that sucide is not actually a cowards way out...


Hey ur welcome anyday.. am looking fwd to playing ur host :)