A person without dreams is not worth his/her salt...and there are many such ones... but rarely will u find any without thoughts.. Itz the thoughts which make us what we are and itz these which make us unique...Analyzing these kaleidoscope of thoughts is said to be the the first step towards recoginizing ur unique self and herez my attempt to do so and accept myself as an enitity that I am now and will be !
Friday, December 30, 2005
one of my fav things
I just realised my fav flower are tulips... that too pinkish-red in color....'coz he suprises me with those once in a while.. and it makes my heart sing and me dance :)
My new year's GIFT!!
Yipee! I got a new years gift… my first new years gift ever and what makes it really special is that this is something I wanted to get myself for ages and ages and finally its mine – “my precious” (lord of the rings golem style). It sleek, and slides in and out easily and makes amazing noise (I did almost purr when I first saw it out). And before you get your imagination really wild, it my new cell phone ….. Siemens SL55. I have been in love with it since it first came out in the market two years ago, but being a student it was quiet beyond my pockets capacity. Now that the rates are slashed (old model and all) I don’t even feel guilty receiving it as a gift.
Guys love cars and most of the girls love make-up but I for some weird reason have been fascinated with the cell phones! There was a time when I kept track of the latest happenings in the cell-phone world and was well versed with the various technologies involved in it. Well, it doesn’t sound like much, but the fact is that the intricate details involved in it is rather amazing. But this love affair ended rather tragically when I got my first cell phone Motorola V600. Alas! From then on, I seem to just have had constant bad luck with the “mobile” world. I have had to change 6 cell-phones in past 2 years. Once I couldn’t hear, in one the numbers wouldn’t dial and so on. Thank god I was under warrantee… but that blessing also ended when outta sheer frustration I threw my cell phone and it cracked. From thereon I had to do with an “hand-me-down” nokia phone (which looked more like a walkie-talkie). So now you can imagine how excited I must be at the moment to get my hands on such a small, cutie pie of a cell-phone. Yeah! Yeah! Here I come with my new phone!!!!!!!!
Guys love cars and most of the girls love make-up but I for some weird reason have been fascinated with the cell phones! There was a time when I kept track of the latest happenings in the cell-phone world and was well versed with the various technologies involved in it. Well, it doesn’t sound like much, but the fact is that the intricate details involved in it is rather amazing. But this love affair ended rather tragically when I got my first cell phone Motorola V600. Alas! From then on, I seem to just have had constant bad luck with the “mobile” world. I have had to change 6 cell-phones in past 2 years. Once I couldn’t hear, in one the numbers wouldn’t dial and so on. Thank god I was under warrantee… but that blessing also ended when outta sheer frustration I threw my cell phone and it cracked. From thereon I had to do with an “hand-me-down” nokia phone (which looked more like a walkie-talkie). So now you can imagine how excited I must be at the moment to get my hands on such a small, cutie pie of a cell-phone. Yeah! Yeah! Here I come with my new phone!!!!!!!!
Friday, December 23, 2005
A simple thought
I was asked why he loves me so..... I really don't know... but I guess I am just lucky that he does :)
Am I this??
I saw this quizz from Sirisha's blog and as usual cldn't resist taking it and the result I have to admit has me like "me? this???" take it your self and see if it matches with what you think you are :)
You Are Boyish Sexy |
![]() You're the kind of girl who gets along with all the boys Whether it's holding your own in a game of touch football... Or kicking some major butt while playing Xbox. You hang with the guys easily, while still keeping your girly sexiness. |
I hope.....
- To not feel shy, look at him, into his eyes without heat rushing onto my face
- To finish the first three chapters of my thesis while I am holidaying (HIGH HOPES)
- To meet some good ol' friends
- To have clear skies, twinkling stars and not "so cold" NYC
- To skate without falling in every two seconds
- To shake my leg and have fun on the new year's eve
- To check out those museums I have been eying for quite sometime now
- To shake off that "shyness, coyness" which comes from being an Indian and freak out big time
- To wear layers of clothing and still look "Good"
- To eat and eat and not put on a pound
- To cook fabously (after all a way to man's heart is through his stomach)
- To savour and enjoy each moment in NYC with him and friends
Monday, December 19, 2005
Equality - in and out of the bed!
“Memoirs of a Geisha” is the last book I read and since then I catch myself pondering over it at odd times. When I think of the life which a Geisha leads I consider myself so lucky, at least I have the chance to make my own choices, make my own life and my own mistakes. I decide with whom I spend the rest of my life, I bask in the knowledge that I am loved and cherished, I have the right to make all the important decisions and lay my own rules for living my life. Gosh! I can’t imagine having none of this freedom and I also wonder if a guy could take all this that a women can. Somehow I doubt it, I don’t think a guy will ever live and not loose his dignity and metal peace under same circumstances. I still don’t understand how a man who is married and has a home still seeks comfort in bed elsewhere. What is with men and sex? Why are many of the men not satisfied with having one mate? And why should the rules differ for women? Why is that a woman is chastised and thrown for crimes of passion while men revel in it? Of course some men claim to have this insatiable urge which has to be satisfied and can’t be satiated with a single partner, why is the same not valid for women?????? Don’t take me wrong, I have immense respect in relationships (I myself am in one) but I am always ready to take up arms against discrimination of any kind and for me this looks like a discrimination. May be it’s the time we not only had women’s brothel but men’s as well. In this world where we scream for equality, it is the time that women treat men the same way as they have been treated in and out of the bed, only then would world be a fair place in all respects!!!
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Artic Vs NYC.. shopping .... and more happenings!
So I did it……..inspite of having made an resolution very recently not to exert my budget … I went shopping yet again yesterday!! (With this shopping I have thrown my credit card to the darkest corner and am working on hypnotizing myself to believe that I don’t have a CC!!! )Of course.. to me the reason for it sounds very reasonable. It is my first new years with my dear darl’ and I want him out flat absolutely. I got myself a silhouette which makes me look lot taller than my 5 feet 8 inches and a great looking spaghetti top which shows my figure to an advantage ( I think I look sexy…since no one else will say it to me, I may as well admit it). I just hope “he” thinks so too… and when I think about how cold it is gonna be in NYC and me in the spaghetti … I kinda freeze on my tracks!! Brrrrr…. For a person from the land of bayou, NYC is bound to be like the Artic. So with an aim to prepare myself to the “harsh” conditions and to survive through the cold, I picked up a book based on artic recently and decided to follow exactly what they mention in the book to prevent cold. I am going to walk a lil’ bend (looking towards the ground, keeping my back much like the camels hump), so that I don’t let air into my lungs directly and take deep shallow breaths. Also, I am going to try my best not to shiver, as when u shiver- ur body looses resistance and you become more prone to cold (SHIT). Now I feel all geared up to face the mother nature with a smirk and say to her “look look I survived!!”. Amongst my various grand plans in NYC is the plan to learn ice skating. I admit I have tried my hand on it once earlier and all I did was to land on my BUTT all the time. This time I am all set to prove that I can land on my head and back as well :). So wish me all the best friends ‘coz I am gonna take the risk of bending my already twisted brain a lil’ more with all the falling down!!! God bless my boy friend/ fiancĂ© (yeah yeah!! We are getting married soon, and its official …WOW) coz he is the one who has to bear with my “Ohhhs” and “Ahhhh” and “hmmmmm….” (all puns intended ;)….). Yeah!! I admit that I am counting my days till I see “him” and I have all plans of jumping on him (easier said than done, unfortunately, my Indian upbringing makes me a very shy Desi face to face) and in all probability I am gonna be in all thumbs when I see him- blushing as usual and taking my own sweet time in airport to actually look up and see his face (LORD!! CAN U BELIEVE THAT? I still can’t believe I do that each and every time!! ). People who know me will never believe I can be shy (what the heck! Neither can I) but well herez the news flash- “ I am, I am…incredibly so around u know who”. We have a couple of friends coming from else where for New years and normally I would be all excited about it but…. Right now I am hoping that I get along with all of them well (all r his friends and we just realized it yesterday that so many r gracing us with their presence)!! Well, I am sure itz gonna b a gr8 fun and more the merrier (or so goes the saying) …..right now I just can’t wait for 24th to come (‘coz thts when I get to meet HIM) and I am jumping up and down on my sofa with the excitement and before I break the sofa (and my roomie kills me for that) I better sign off at this ecstatic note and more updates as time permits.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Follow the white rabbit..................
Yesterday after a long tiring working day, I was all set to die of exhaustion but I decided to live a while longer when these words lit up my TV screen:
“Wake up, Neo”
“The Matrix has you”
“Follow the white rabbit”
Every time I see Matrix, I am spellbound at the sheer genius and innovativeness of the idea. This exhilarating movie completely manages to glue me to the couch every single time. Neo..Trinity….Morpheus…Mr.Smith, the interaction between each of these characters and their role is just awesome! Of course I have read many articles about it being inspired by “alice in wonderland/ wizard of Oz”, but who cares? The movie is in fact one of those rare ones that successfully manages to create an absolutely delightful blend of kinetics, atmosphere, intelligent concepts and jaw-dropping action and effects. It toys successfully with the boundaries between reality and fantasy to create an unmistakable symbolism even on deeper level. Irrespective of how many times I see the movie it never ever falls into the boring, expected patterns instead always manages to involve me. I can go on and on about the Matrix, itz underlying philosophy and its mind boggling effect on me, but well this is not really an review and more blah, blahing may make it sound like one…….. so lemme end this here with a confession that for me Matrix is and will be – “One of the best movies ever made”!!!
“Wake up, Neo”
“The Matrix has you”
“Follow the white rabbit”
Every time I see Matrix, I am spellbound at the sheer genius and innovativeness of the idea. This exhilarating movie completely manages to glue me to the couch every single time. Neo..Trinity….Morpheus…Mr.Smith, the interaction between each of these characters and their role is just awesome! Of course I have read many articles about it being inspired by “alice in wonderland/ wizard of Oz”, but who cares? The movie is in fact one of those rare ones that successfully manages to create an absolutely delightful blend of kinetics, atmosphere, intelligent concepts and jaw-dropping action and effects. It toys successfully with the boundaries between reality and fantasy to create an unmistakable symbolism even on deeper level. Irrespective of how many times I see the movie it never ever falls into the boring, expected patterns instead always manages to involve me. I can go on and on about the Matrix, itz underlying philosophy and its mind boggling effect on me, but well this is not really an review and more blah, blahing may make it sound like one…….. so lemme end this here with a confession that for me Matrix is and will be – “One of the best movies ever made”!!!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
BEWARE-- This is my take on Indian politics at the moment!!!!
“Natwar Singh resigns” proclaims the Indian headline for the day. No surprises there, ever since the allegations against him for Iraq’s oil-for-food program this has been a much expected move. And the fact that it is another big official at the helm of the scandal in India comes as no surprise either (Laloo-fodder scam…etc etc). With BJP creating an ruckus at the parliament it was just a matter of time before Natwar Singh stepped down and now that he has done so, I can’t help but wonder what new scene would the opposition need to disrupt the proceedings yet again. Of course I agree that the Volcker committee's revelations brought disrepute to the country and in Advani’s own words “Disrepute is due to the fact that beneficiaries of the international scam are running the government at the Centre”. I agree that the guilty needs to be punished and I am in complete accordance with the opposition screaming “murder”! But what I really don’t understand is that what the NDA was doing in January 2004 when it first came to know about congress’s involvement with the oil-for-food. BJP of course denies having prior knowledge but well as the saying goes “there is no smoke without fire”, I fail to understand why the NDA government did not act then? Was it ‘coz they wanted their regime to be smooth or mabbe they didn’t want to stir hornet’s nest before the elections! Anyways the point is that no political party actually raises a voice for the country they r supposed to serve! The arguments are dished out and the opinions loudly voiced only when the party see’s some political mileage. I know this scenario holds good for political parties all over the world…. But somehow when it comes to the Indian politics the hypocrisy seems to be more evident! I know I am back lashing and stating opinion about something which I admit to having just layman’s knowledge of, but well, aren’t the policies and working of the political parties meant for layman! I may not be right, I know that my comprehension about the whole “hypocrisy in Indian politics” may be a bit skewed, but I also know that I am still hoping for more refined politics to gain stronghold. Politics will always be a game with no rules, nothing can change that, but I hope with time as more and more educated people gain entry to the political arena, our Indian politics may perhaps grow to be more subtle and less “noisy”. Well, who knows this may yet become a reality…. After all miracles never cease to happen!
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Saturday shopping and a lil' blah, blah......
Today I am in a mood to bitch about someone and before I am done with writing this piece I will do it too. But there are certain more important things about which I definitely need to write about like shopping. Yesterday I decided to go shopping and since I don’t have my own transportation, I usually end up asking one of my friends. But since I wasn’t really in a mood to do the asking for either a ride or company, I decided to catch the public transportation and go on a shopping spree. Once in the mall, I went to all the stores where I could without thinking “Oh! man what will the guy think”… the absolute girlie stores which most of my Indian friends would refuse to step into. I blew money, left, right and center. But I think of the things I bought as an investment! I certainly feel very good looking when I wear those “certain” things and the fact that they belong to “my eyes only” territory makes me feel even better. Hmmmm… but one thing which I bought and was skeptical about buying was a leather jacket. I saw it on the rack and fell in love with it and the fact that it was on sale made it too hard to resist. I went into the trail room with it and was trying out the jacket when two American ladies came by and told me “wow! That looks nice on you, you certainly have the figure to carry it off!” (imagine me having a FIGURE). Well, I was still in doubts when the lady who was in-charge for the trail room walked in and told me “I hope you are buying it, it looks great on you!” and an old lady who just got out of one of the trail rooms nodded her head in agreement. That decided it! I went ahead and used my credit card (I am sure I will whine when I pay the bills). Anywaz, since I was on a spending spree, I even went to Dillards with an idea of buying myself some make-up (I don’t have any), unfortunately the lady who suggests which one to buy had already left………so that bought my shopping spree to an end. In the bus, on the way back home, I decided that to give back the jacket if my roomies didn’t like it. So I came home and the first thing I did was to try on the jacket for my roomies benefit. Though her reaction wasn’t as enthusiastic as the American’s, I still decided to keep it as she said it did look nice. And so here I am sitting on my bed, still glowing with the afterglow of spending money, “retail therapy” absolutely rocks!
Coming to bitching, I am just ready to shout at one of my roomies, I know she and another roomie don’t really see eye to eye, but she sends me an email saying “Hi.. your expenditure is _____________bye ___”! She could have told me the same thing face to face or called me and told me this. The first thing in the morning when I get up, I get to hear “Hey fridge needs to be cleaned”. Well, I agree, but why should I do it alone. I don’t mind if all are there helping out. It is not like I am the only person using the fridge and moreover most of the stuff inside in the vessels in not even mine! I just get irritated when things like this are said, it would have been better if I was told “Hey, we ought to clean the fridge”. What I don’t understand is that just ‘coz I come home earlier than her doesn’t mean I work less, I just can’t be productive after giving in “7-8 hours” of constant work and I choose to come back home and unwind. I really don’t understand “I am too busy to help u, but you can do it alone anywaz” concept. I just don’t want to talk to her about it ‘coz I like her and would not want to pick up a fight before leaving. I hate being “ordered” and I believe in having an “collective responsibility” for the apartment and I refuse to tend it to alone!
Coming to bitching, I am just ready to shout at one of my roomies, I know she and another roomie don’t really see eye to eye, but she sends me an email saying “Hi.. your expenditure is _____________bye ___”! She could have told me the same thing face to face or called me and told me this. The first thing in the morning when I get up, I get to hear “Hey fridge needs to be cleaned”. Well, I agree, but why should I do it alone. I don’t mind if all are there helping out. It is not like I am the only person using the fridge and moreover most of the stuff inside in the vessels in not even mine! I just get irritated when things like this are said, it would have been better if I was told “Hey, we ought to clean the fridge”. What I don’t understand is that just ‘coz I come home earlier than her doesn’t mean I work less, I just can’t be productive after giving in “7-8 hours” of constant work and I choose to come back home and unwind. I really don’t understand “I am too busy to help u, but you can do it alone anywaz” concept. I just don’t want to talk to her about it ‘coz I like her and would not want to pick up a fight before leaving. I hate being “ordered” and I believe in having an “collective responsibility” for the apartment and I refuse to tend it to alone!
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