
Monday, December 19, 2005

Equality - in and out of the bed!

“Memoirs of a Geisha” is the last book I read and since then I catch myself pondering over it at odd times. When I think of the life which a Geisha leads I consider myself so lucky, at least I have the chance to make my own choices, make my own life and my own mistakes. I decide with whom I spend the rest of my life, I bask in the knowledge that I am loved and cherished, I have the right to make all the important decisions and lay my own rules for living my life. Gosh! I can’t imagine having none of this freedom and I also wonder if a guy could take all this that a women can. Somehow I doubt it, I don’t think a guy will ever live and not loose his dignity and metal peace under same circumstances. I still don’t understand how a man who is married and has a home still seeks comfort in bed elsewhere. What is with men and sex? Why are many of the men not satisfied with having one mate? And why should the rules differ for women? Why is that a woman is chastised and thrown for crimes of passion while men revel in it? Of course some men claim to have this insatiable urge which has to be satisfied and can’t be satiated with a single partner, why is the same not valid for women?????? Don’t take me wrong, I have immense respect in relationships (I myself am in one) but I am always ready to take up arms against discrimination of any kind and for me this looks like a discrimination. May be it’s the time we not only had women’s brothel but men’s as well. In this world where we scream for equality, it is the time that women treat men the same way as they have been treated in and out of the bed, only then would world be a fair place in all respects!!!

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